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Lock Down Blog Day 3

Lock down blog day 3 Wed 1st April 2020 9 AM Woke up this morning feeling fine and recharged after a good sleep. Question was; What to do today? Started off with a nice stretch, shower and brushed my teeth, normal morning routine! Went downstairs to my grandma eating a bowl of Weetabix. I too joined the show but had my Frosties. Decided I was going out on my bike to get it out the way early so I can relax the rest of the day and type a blog regarding my Elite training. As I started the ride I noticed my old man walking the dogs, it was lovely to see him. Horrible that I cant shake his hand or better still give him a man hug. The dogs who are missing me so much let out a crying, whimpering bark! I miss them loads, cant wait for this to blow over so I can have a dog cuddle.

Myself and my dad parted ways and we did the usual of telling one another to keep safe.

I started my route with my batteries recharged, thought to myself the quicker I get this done the quicker the day goes! Again there was hardly anyone around on the route I went, however trying to cycle back up Wesley St there was a traffic cop who had pulled a driver over. I loved it, this was the only bit of drama I had seen other than watching 'The Bill'. I arrived back at the house to my Grandma waving at me through the window, she must have missed me. She had opened the back gate for me and told me my little cousin was coming round for a short while. This was music to my ears, it is a nice break for myself and my grandma rather than it just being us two getting bored all day. My little cousin arrived and she proceeded to lock me in the house by barricading the gate with the garden furniture. I played my part and escaped when she went round the corner, much to her enthusiasm as she chased me round the garden. For me to pass her I had to say a simple word of 'YES' not sure why but I did. Sure enough I was allowed past. 12 Noon Dinner fast approached and I had a switch up for dinner today, Chicken broth with bacon medallions! Was nice. And some bread too! We needed some shopping so my grandma set about sorting a list what she wanted, with myself being a bloke I just winged what I needed. Trip to the supermarket, Asda was very well stocked and the que was not that bad, fast moving. I must add, Asda has been leading in this outbreak, the polite members of staff and well stocked shelves mean that the community can get the equal amount of food with out having to panic buy! Well done Asda. Evening

Time for tea now, pasta and fishcakes on the menu tonight, been awhile since I had this. Wont be the same as how my dad cooks it however it is food! This is going to be followed by a trip to the bedroom to continue Harry Potter. All in all today has been a good day, time for some Fosters and to relax fully! Peace out.

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