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Lockdown Week 2 Day 2

Tuesday 07/04/20 Woke up yesterday after a little lie in a good sleep thinking I will go to the canal for a nice bike ride. I did my usual routine on a morning went downstairs and gathered my things together. Got my bike from the garage and checked the tyres and brakes and set off on my merry way! I then noticed I needed a drinks bottle, que my trip to the parents for a quick pit stop. Whilst I was out on the bike I was surprised how many people were out walking their dog or running and indeed cycling. We did keep our distances and it was nice to see people moving out the way and making way for others. It was a lovely day to have a ride, the feeling of wind flowing through my helmet and ears was nothing short of brilliant. It felt amazing and refreshing to have fresh air filling my lungs and flowing around me. Whilst I admit I was tired going along the music I was listening to kept me going. I rode as far as I knew, I once went with my dad and his mate Darren to the railway pub in Rodley, once I reached there I decided it be a good spot to have a rest. Drinking my water on the side of the canal was a break in the pandemic and I found myself getting lost in nature. The ducks were comfortable on the water and enjoying the slight breeze of the water.

On the way back home I decided I would take it steady but like any child you get excited when going down a hill. This was me when going down the locks on the canal. It was good to smile and laugh to myself. There appeared to be more people on the way back and again we all kept our distances. I nearly ran a dog over on the way back too, the dog was doing what dogs do trotting about not a care in the world, here's me on my bike trying to decipher which way he will go and boom the opposite happened, good job I wasn't going fast! Myself and the owner were both laughing. I love dogs, even when they don't know they cheer you up! PM After arriving back at home my grandma was happy to see me and insisted in telling me approxamitley twelve times shes going crazy. I wish this lockdown will be lifted just so she can enjoy the weather! I sat out in the garden and I had a message from our coach for the daily challenge! Brilliant I thought, knackered and I have to do this! None the less I completed the challenge. Time for a shower and to enjoy the afternoon. I did plan on sitting outside this afternoon but the temptation of playing COD with my pals was too much! I stayed on there until tea time came around. I switched it off and decided to move so my grandma could cook her tea. I decided to have pizza for tea. I ate this while doing the campaign mode on COD instead of playing online. Evening I did not do much this evening apart from playing on the Xbox on Fifa clubs with the lads. Time flew by and it was soon time for bed.

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