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Lock Down Blog Day 4

Thursday 2nd April 2020 9 AM Woke up this morning to a different routine, I decided I would continue my career mode on FIFA 20. The game was away at Anfield, against Liverpool. A win would see Leeds go top of the premier league. Sure enough we won 0-3. Top of the league. MOT. Now to reality! This morning I relaxed and wondered what I could do to get me out the house...I decided I would go do some fitness down at the Warriors. Our rugby coach is setting the lads daily challenges to complete. Yesterday was as many press ups in a minute as you can and today was burpees. I despise burpees none the less I did them. I was with my best mate Dale, two metres apart of course, we had a laugh trying to film it with Dales new phone. However we got there in the end.

I was out the house for a good hour and a half doing fitness which blew some cobwebs off. This made me realise how much I am missing the lads and the game. It was nice to finally put my boots on. The fresh air was reviving albeit it short lived with me hyperventilating and thinking what the f**k am I doing. Now I am showered and refreshed I feel good, which is the key. 1300 PM Dinner was a little late today as I was out doing some conditioning. I decided I would be eating corn beef and brown sauce sandwiches, glass of fresh orange and an apple. Perfect after a little workout. My task this afternoon is to find a shop that sells a fire pit so I can burn some wood from my grandads garage. Yeah I didn't find a firepit so I have asked to borrow my dads, tomorrow and Saturday. This will be perfect for the next couple of days. Nothing really to add to this afternoon apart from I went to the Asda for some 'Essentials' crate of Fosters and fabric conditioner. Evening Myself and my grandma sat about watching the afternoon quiz shows, Tenable, Tipping Point and The Chase. I made her laugh by saying "Ey grandma, Yano with this lockdown we will be bloody brilliant at these quiz shows"...she laughed which brightened my day. For tea tonight was a chicken and mushroom stir fry and a couple of cans of Fosters.

I proceeded to wash the pots post tea, we will be participating in the Clap For The NHS tonight at 8pm. What a brilliant idea this was, we cannot say thank you enough for these people. Not only are they risking there lives day in day out but they are doing it with a smile on there face. All workers need a pay rise when this all blows over! Tonight I will be going onto the Xbox with my mates as it has been a while and I think I need a good old laugh and banter slanging match! Tomorrows plans are to burn some wood and have a few tinnies in the garden with my Grandma after a hectic week of exercise and doing bugger all! Keep your heads up guys we will be back to normal soon hopefully! Danny

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