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Mon 30th March. 9am Woke up feeling a little weird Knowing I hadn't to be anywhere today. First time in weeks I didn't have to be anywhere. The world was my own. Laid in bed scrolling through social media and I thought to my self I am not going to use this furlough time to gain the weight I shed back end of last year, more on this later. I decided I will use this as a second pre-season with the rugby season being postponed. I got out of bed and had a wash like you do, Shit shower shave as men understand it. Then went downstairs and said good morning to my grandma who I feel sorry for with this pandemic. In her own words she is going "ga ga". Had my usual bowl of Frosties whilst listening to the BBC Breakfast show. The time had come where I got my push bike out of the garage for months!! I had a ride up through Middleton woods and did a few slow and steady jumps on the bike park up there...slightly nervous

about doing them. Don't have the dare like I did when I was younger! I messed around on there for a little bit thinking I was in a BMX world cup! This was short lived as I noticed the police out of corner my eye, thinking I was going to get in trouble I cycled like a man possessed, almost like CJ from San Andreas... After a solid 1 minute of pedaling I had to stop...almost rang my sister for her inhaler! I made the trip down to Beeston and continued on my adventure/workout. Down through Beeston, ring road, Wesley street and then back home. I got of the bike like John Wayne! Upon arriving back at the house there we a couple of neighbors having a chat with each other in the back. I thought this is nice albeit surreal, but what a way to get to know your neighbors fully by having a chat with them in these unprecedented circumstances.

I went ahead and put my bike away as normal, not forgetting to wash my hands when I had come back in the house! My grandma asked how was it and asked if I had seen anyone about... "it was ok, hardly anyone about, it was dead out there"

I went to get cleaned up and spend a few hours with my grandma to keep her company. 12 Noon We had some dinner and I sat doing some Sudoku to keep my brain active and occupied. Couple of hours passed quicker than i imagined if i'm being honest, I decided it was time to give my car a well deserved bath! This was therapeutic for me and gave me a chance to in a way detach from the world as it was just me and the four wheels having a battle royale for cleanliness! Again another hour passed and I cleaned up the things I used to clean my car. Whilst I was doing this I had a socially distant conversation with a friend who too had been on his bike! Went back in side to see how my grandma was doing, whilst pottering about I did my daily disinfect of the door handles with the anti-bacterial wipes. Continued on with my Sudoku which I have become really good at! As the evening drew closer it was time to make a feed, Chicken, drowned in paprika, veg and rice was on the menu tonight, it went down treat! Evening I washed the pots I had used so my Grandma could cook her tea too, I then decided to stay downstairs for a little longer while I ate my ice lollie...Not long after that I went up to my room to continue my Harry Potter recap! I forgot how good these films were, currently on Half Blood Prince which is my fav film out of the sequel. 10pm

After Harry Potter had finished it was time for lights out on the end of the first day in Furlough. Again I found my self feeling strange of knowing I didn't have to be up for work the following day.

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