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Lockdown Blog Day 5

Lock Down Blog 5 2020 Friday 3rd March 2020 9AM Another day in lockdown started this time by watching the 2015 Rhinos grand final win to top of the treble winning season. What a game and what a try to win the game by Josh Walters. I was there that day and I loved every minute. I checked my social media pages and noticed we had our daily challenge from our head coach Jonathan. The challenge was; 10 x Burpees 25 x Press ups 35 x Sit ups 50 x Air squats I went downstairs after getting washed to a much happier grandma, bless her, she had cleaned up and taken all her frustration of not being allowed out on the carpet! She was in a much better mindset which is brilliant, we both got emotional last night with the clap for the NHS workers. I did the challenge after a bowl of, you guessed it, Frosties not my brightest of moves let me tell you. I was blowing a gale after the burpees. Chuckled to my self too because when I started the sit ups I must have forced some wind out.... As I sit outside writing this mornings blog with a nice cuppa coffee, I look back on a strange but interesting week of Furlough. It is nice to reflect. I have managed to summon my dads chimenea from his garage to burn some wood and have some beers to further brighten my grandmas mindset. PM

What a lovely afternoon/evening we have had. Sat outside in the sun with music and a nice controlled fire on the go. I have had my fair share of Fosters this afternoon and my grandma John Smiths too! We are both a little worse for ware, nothing a cuppa coffee can fix. As I sit outside reflecting on a week of weirdness to say the least, I am proud and happy I have started this blog. It is an escape from reality where I can just sit and type. No one to judge or anything like that, an escape from normal life. We had some visitors this afternoon, my auntie Fiona and cousins Jess and Tilly decided to come see us. Considering the club is closed my auntie Fiona has decided to bring the club to my grandma. I know myself I appreciated the company and I know for sure my grandma did, thank you. As the evening drew closer and the temperature started to drop my grandma went inside to get warmer, I don't blame her after all I was sat in front of a fire. There is something hypnotic about staring into a fire, you lose all sense of reality and don't really think of anything just sat in a trance. Tonight will be filled with some cans of pop and probably some comedy films, after my grandma has finished watching what she wants! Onto tomorrow, night god bless.

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